Wudang Zhao Bao “He” style “Cheng Structure” Taijiquan
Welcome to this taichi blog . This blog is set up with the intention of gathering taichi practioners of all forms to come together to discuss and authenticate the theories of taichi .We are putting forth ourselves as neutral parties in the process of authentications . All practioners are welcome to join in our outings . All authentications will be documented and presented in this blog for the benefit of the taichi community . Much have been written about the various styles ( 陈 Chen, 杨Yang, 吴 Wu, 武 Wuu, 孙 Sun ). Hence, I shall dive straight into introducing Zhao bao “he” Style taichi. I apologise for my weakness in both language and knowledge of taijiquan, hope u can further contribute in my pursuit of this profound art .
Zhao bao taichi is also been refered to as “Zhao bao 3 in 1 taichi”. So what does “3 in 1” means ? It means the ( form ) , (pushing hands applications) and ( Sparring) are the same . How u practice the form , is how u apply in a combat situation . Therfore , practicing the form is utmost important in polishing one”s skills .
The 8 critical aspects of Zhao bao taichi : Center 中 , Straight 正, Even 平, Round 圆, Light 轻, Sensitive 灵, Soft 柔, Agile活. In actual fact , all these 8 aspects moves in pairs and in level of priority ,center and straight (中正), even and round (平圆), light and spontaneity ( 轻灵), soft and agile(柔活).
So what is Center and straight (中正)? : This combination ranks top in priority in the hierarchy of the critical aspects . Center refers to guarding one”s center line or to be more exact ,center of gravity . Straight is the basis or foundation for strength. Maintaining a straight diameter within your posture lays the path towards achieving the following critical aspects .
Even and round (平圆): Evenness refers more towards a distribution of strength or calmness .It is through the 6 co-ordination (shoulders and hips, elbows and knees ,actions and intentions) that its movements through the form will attain a smooth and calm level .Round is not referring to a circle , it is referring to a sphere ( a 3 dimensional circle ). Zhao bao taichi advocates rotational forces.Neutralise and expel with rotational force.
Light and Spontaneity (轻灵): Light as in not using brute strength. Light as in using just enough strength to lift up your hands and palms. Only through this lightness will sensitivity leads to a quick spontaneous reflex action.
Soft and Agile (柔活): Softness simply means not tensing up the muscles. This softness coupled with a slow motion through the form, produces a kind of softness that comes with bounce .As such agility can be derived through that.
I look forward to constructive contributions from the taichi community . Thank you for visiting my blog .
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